5-Day Workshop

Make Your Dreams Come True: 5-Days to Your Ideal Life

Ready to make a change? In just 5-days, you’ll get a simple step-by-step glow-up plan to make over your mindset, life, and goals so that you can drop the old and get back on track to manifesting your best life.


5-Day Workshop

Make Your Dreams Come True: 5-Days to Your Ideal Life

Ready to make a change? In just 5-days, you’ll get a simple step-by-step glow-up plan to make over your mindset, life, and goals so that you can drop the old and get back on track to manifesting your best life.

Over five enriching days, you'll embark on a journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and growth, discovering the tools and strategies to create the life you've always dreamed of.

Day 1

Set your intention and get clear with what you DESIRE to create next in life

Begin your journey by setting potent intentions, and getting crystal clear on what you are ready to create next in your life, setting the stage for growth and transformation.

Day 2

Internal Glow-Up

Dive into Day 2 to unload any heavy burdens and address the limiting beliefs holding you back from reaching the next level in your life. This is a beautiful opportunity to free yourself from negativity and step into a brighter, more empowered future.

Day 3

Align with your highest self and listen to the urges of your intuition

Connect with your inner wisdom, embrace authenticity, and follow the guidance that leads you towards fulfillment and purpose.

Day 4

Glow-Up your lifestyle habits and learn the power of ‘habit stacking'

On Day 4, take a deep dive into your lifestyle habits, identify areas for improvement, and glow them up through the power of habit stacking. 

Day 5

Plan your best year yet and take inspired action towards your dream life

On Day 5, craft a compelling vision for your best year yet and take decisive action towards your dreams. With strategic planning and bold momentum, you’ll be set for a transformative journey of growth and achievement.

What past students are saying!

"BEST $40 investment thus far."

"Your 5-day workshops are extremely value-packed! Ever since starting the program again I have stopped crying every morning, and have been more self-aware. I've been identifying hella sh*t, healing, and making progress towards my goals. I'm super excited to finish the rest! Best $40 investment thus far. "

Make Your Dreams Come True: 5-Days to You Ideal Life

Join us for 5-days to kickstart your dream life. Get simple strategies to improve your mindset and manifestation journey, so that you can attract more money, more results, and take back control of your life. Save your spot today! We begin Monday, May 13th.